How Drawing Pad is being used in School
Here are a few examples of how Drawing Pad is being used in schools.
1) The Dot Project - Mr. Colosi’s First Grade class read the book “The Dot,” by Peter Reynolds. Students were so inspired by the book’s message of uniqueness that they decided to create art in a brand new way. Using the classroom iPad, each student sketched their own “dot” using the Drawing Pad. With the Drawing Pad app, students were able to draw with crayons, paints, and markers to make original artwork that could be shared with the world! Visit the Dot Art Gallery.
2) Student Blogging - Karrie Anne Vitti is an Educational Technology Consultant and has been demonstrating to schools how the Drawing Pad app can be used to have students blog directly through the App. Students draw a picture, then email it from inside the app to (when you create a blogspot/blogger account you get an email address to post to). Students then put a title in the subject line of the email and the story in the body and they post it to directly to their blog. Here is an example: